1·The lens holder comprises a lens holder top part and a lens holder bottom part, wherein the lens holder bottom part and the image sensor are loaded on the substrate.
2·A contrastive experiment was made on spat fall of Anadara granosa with the solid plane and the pond-bottom plane as substrate in the artificial seed-rearing.
3·Thereafter, the via hole is filled with a core layer, wherein the core layer extends from a bottom surface of the substrate to a top surface thereof.
之后,以核心层填充该介层洞,其中该核心层从该基材的下表面 延伸到上表面。
4·At the same time the size of the copper substrate and the cooling condition of substrate's bottom are optimized.
5·Such composite floor by the manufacturing methods consists of preparation of surface substrate (core and the bottom) and the compound technology.
此种复合地板的制造方法,分为表层、基材(芯层和底层)的 制备以及复合地板工艺。
6·This product is coated with a tacky residue-free adhesive on the surface of each layer to attract dirt seeds and a high tack adhesive on the bottom layer for maximum adhesion to the substrate.
7·The driving circuit substrate is disposed between the mold frame and the bottom chassis, and includes a circuit component.
8·It has a high tack adhesive on the bottom layer for maximum adhesion to the substrate.